
massive async operations powered by Promise.all

Minimal async map/reduce helper with pluggable limit to handle massive amount of asynchronous operations in node and browser.


// const masynco = require('masynco') // cjs and mjs are supported
import masynco from 'masynco'

;(async () => {
  // supports async and regular functions
  const fn = async (num) => num + 1

  // supports async array mapping
  const a = await masynco([1, 2, 3], fn)
  console.log(a) // [ 2, 3, 4 ]

  // supports async object mapping
  const o = await masynco({ 'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2' }, fn)
  console.log(o) // { k1: 'v11', k2: 'v21' }

  // supports regular (non-async) functions also
  const fnSync = (num) => num + 1
  const o1 = await masynco({ 'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2' }, fnSync)
  console.log(o1) // { k1: 'v11', k2: 'v21' }

Optionally limit function can be passed for concurrency control:

import masynco from 'masynco'
import plimit from 'p-limit'

;(async () => {
  const fn = async (num) => num + 1
  const o = await masynco({ 'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2' }, fn, plimit(3))
  console.log(o) // { k1: 'v11', k2: 'v21' }

Use in browser as JavaScript module:

<script type="module">
  import masynco from './masynco.js'

  ;(async () => {
    const fn = async (num) => num + 1
    const o = await masynco({ 'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2' }, fn)
    console.log(o) // { k1: 'v11', k2: 'v21' }


async masynco(input, fn, limit = null)

Returns a new Array or Object formed by applying a given function to each element of input.


Type: object, array

Input Array or Object to process. Function returns array when input is array and object otherwise.


Type: function (value, key)

Function that is called for every element of input iterable. It receives original value and key and returns new value that is inserted into output iterable.


Type: function

Optional limit function for concurrency control. See p-limit.


Single interface for applying regular and async map function to every item of input iterable and returning new iterable with original keys and mapped values.

” It saves my time, Al